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We Raised £925 For Our Charities of the Year

We Raised £925 For Our Charities of the Year

We hosted another one of our popular Charity Bingo Nights on Friday 30th August, raising a triumphant £925 in support of our two charities of the year: Be More Frank (a special named fund of the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust Registered Charity) and Ewing’s Sarcoma Research Trust.

Matt Lewis, Events Manager, expressed his joy at the success of the event, stating, “We are thrilled to announce that we’ve raised a total of £925, which will be split between our chosen charities of the year, Be More Frank and Ewing’s Sarcoma Research Trust. We extend our gratitude to all attendees who contributed to this wonderful cause through turning up and taking part in our half time raffle. We raised £405 from the raffle alone. Congratulations to all our winners, who collectively claimed £210 worth of cash and voucher prizes!”

He continued, “Supporting the local community is a fundamental part of our company values and we’re proud to be able to host these events with such a great community around us to turn up and join in to support too. We wouldn’t be able to raise as much as we do without our amazing family of loyal customers.”

Be More Frank is a special named fund of the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust. Funds raised in Frank’s name provide financial assistance to families with a child diagnosed with cancer in Herefordshire, Powys, Monmouthshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. Ewing’s Sarcoma Research Trust are the leading charity dedicated to fighting primary bone cancer and are uniquely placed to make a difference through research, information, awareness and support.

We've started filling our calendar with more upcoming events which you can have a look at here: www.oldrailwaylinegc.co.uk.

To learn more about Be More Frank and Ewing’s Sarcoma Research Trust, visit their websites at https://www.bemorefrank.org/ and https://www.bcrt.org.uk/.

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