May Geraniums & Pelargoniums
The favourite windowsill plant of cottage gardens and grown widely in all gardens in summer. It’s so well known that it is hardly necessary to describe the large, ball-shaped heads of florets in a range of whites, pinks and reds, some with attractive markings on the petals. Many have two-colour zoning on the leaves and there are also variegated varieties.
Pelargoniums are almost all tender, evergreen plants of South African origin. When introduced to Britain they were given the common name Geranium because of their similarity to the equally wonderful, but hardy Geraniums or Cranesbills, which are also a “must have” plant for all gardens.
Pelargoniums are broadly divided into four main groups Zonal, Regal, Ivy Leaved or trailing and Scented leaved – showing how versatile the plants are. They are perfect for tubs, troughs, hanging baskets and bedding schemes in borders.
Pelargoniums benefit from regular feeding, dead-heading and watering and prefer an open, sunny site. On their own taking centre stage or planted with other summer plants such as Lobelia, Fuchsia and Petunia they are worthy of a place in every garden.