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Welsh Firebreak Lockdown Announcement

Welsh Firebreak Lockdown Announcement

Following the Welsh Government’s announcement, from Saturday (24th October) our in-store offering will be limited to our Farm Shop and Pet Department, offering the essential items you need during the two-week lockdown period. We will also be serving takeaway drinks and meals from our Railway Restaurant to take home (these cannot be consumed on site).

Our priority is to serve our local community ensuring you have everything you need during another difficult lockdown period. Our popular safe, non-contact ‘Call / Click & Collect’ service will continue to run as well as local deliveries. We have thousands of products listed on our website which can be purchased for collection or for delivery to your door (anywhere in the UK!)

As we have done over the past few months since reopening, all government guidance will be followed to ensure a safe shopping experience for those visiting to purchase essentials. We will be limiting the number of people in store at one time to ensure the Farm Shop and Pet Department are not overcrowded. Screens are installed at all customer facing points with plenty of hand sanitiser on offer at the entrance, exit and other locations in between. Unfortunately, the toilets will not be available during the ‘firebreak lockdown’ period.

As always, we thank you for your continued support. If you need anything please visit our website, give us a call or pop-in. Our brilliant, hard-working team will be on hand 7 days a week to help you.

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