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£82.16 Raised for Brecon & District Mind

£82.16 Raised for Brecon & District Mind

We are thrilled to announce that the we have successfully raised £82.16 for Brecon & District Mind, our local charity dedicated to supporting mental health in the community.

The funds were raised through our 'Charity Tea & Cake Combo' and the sales of Peace Lily houseplants over the past week. For every Tea & Cake Combo purchased and every Peace Lily sold, £2 was donated to Brecon & District Mind. We are grateful for the enthusiastic support from our wonderful customers who made this possible.

Brecon & District Mind provides essential services to individuals experiencing mental health challenges, including counselling, support groups, and educational workshops. The charity plays a crucial role in our community, offering support to those in need and striving to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Joe Aldworth, Marketing & Ecommerce Manager of the Old Railway Line Garden Centre, said:

"We are delighted to have raised £82.16 for Brecon & District Mind. Mental health is a critical issue, and we are honoured to support a charity that does so much for our community. We hope this donation will help Brecon & District Mind continue their invaluable work and we look forward to supporting the charity further in future."

Marie Davies, CEO of Brecon & District Mind, expressed her appreciation:

"We are incredibly grateful to the Old Railway Line Garden Centre and its patrons for their generous support. Every donation helps us provide vital services to those in need, and this contribution will make a real difference in the lives of many."

We plan to continue our support for local charities and look forward to organising more fundraising events in the future. Keep an eye on our website and social media for updates on upcoming events and how you can get involved.

About Brecon & District Mind

Brecon & District Mind is a local mental health charity that provides support and services to individuals experiencing mental health issues. Their mission is to improve mental health and well-being in the community through advocacy, education, and support services.

For more information visit: https://breconmind.org.uk/

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